
NOAH project logoNOAH
The Neurobiology of Adult Health (NOAH) project is studying whether features of the brain forecast changes in heart health over multiple years. NOAH focuses specifically on patterns of brain activity revealed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and indicators of heart health that reflect the function and structure of blood vessels in the body. NOAH also focuses on how experiences, behaviors, and cardiovascular functioning in daily life influence brain-heart health relationships.



eBACH logo

The Exercise, Brain, and Cardiovascular Health (eBACH) project studies the links between the brain and heart health. A key question of eBACH is how differences in people’s physical activity and the knowledge they have about heart healthy lifestyles impact the brain and overall heart health over the course of a year.



nerve cell stock imageProject Cores
Both NOAH and eBACH are supported by networks of scientists who provide core support in measuring biological and behavioral factors, as well as statistics and data science.